upon to take responsibility by our everyday behavior. We need viable concepts that must be implemented vigorously and with determination, because time is of the essence. By combining responsible action with [...] VTG Company Responsibility Sustainability Strategy Sustainability , which is deeply ingrained in our corporate DNA, has led us to set ourselves ambitious goals for sustainable development. The battle to [...] to be a completely carbon-neutral company by 2040. Our sustainable development goals We accept responsibility for our daily actions. We do this by setting ourselves clear and ambitious sustainable development
Responsibility The major challenges facing modern society can be mastered only if we all pull together. VTG takes its ecological, economic and social responsibility seriously. Our society is confronted [...] Social responsibility We have always given top priority to the protection and welfare of our people. Learn more Governance We are committed to fair entrepreneurship. We act transparently, responsibly and
sector. Learn more Responsibility The major challenges facing modern society can be mastered only if we all pull together. VTG takes its ecological, economic and social responsibility seriously. Learn more [...] European rail freight space. Over the years, it has become a byword for sustainability and social responsibility. 0 Wagons 0 Tank containers 0 Wagon types 0 Employees Company Profile VTG operates the largest
customers, suppliers and capital backers. Our values Responsibility We do not compromise on safety, quality, environmental awareness and social responsibility. We are aware that we achieve better results in [...] in diverse teams. That is why we encourage this. We take on and transfer responsibility, share our knowledge and thereby strengthen each other. Reliability We think and act sustainably and behave with integrity
also crucial to strike a healthy balance between growth, prosperity and equity. “By combining responsible action with innovative solutions and the careful conservation of resources, we at VTG are committed [...] quality of life. We are convinced that protecting fundamental natural resources, shouldering social responsibility and delivering solid economic performance are aspects that must go hand in hand,” says Oksana [...] UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and willingly assumes ecological, economic and social responsibility. To this end, the company has aligned itself with the seventeen sustainability goals of the United
UN's 17 development goals they belong. Taking responsibility in society As an employer of over 2,000 employees, the company is aware of its great responsibility. For this reason, VTG is committed to equal [...] VTG News and Insights Stories Sustainability is more than "being green" Responsibility Sustainability In 2021 and 2022, VTG achieved a top result in the GRESB rating, a leading international rating system [...] and consists of three dimensions: the major issue of the environment, but also social issues and responsible corporate governance. This is what the abbreviation ESG is made up of. VTG has developed targets
VTG Company Responsibility Downloads On this page you can download various documents such as our Code of Conduct for Suppliers or our current Sustainability Report. Sustainability Report Sustainability [...] and environmental standards along our supplyval chain. In this way, we want to emphasize our responsibility and make sustainable action possible. In doing so, we reaffirm our commitment to internationally
VTG Company Responsibility Supply chain management VTG is committed to human rights and environmental standards along its supply chain by ensuring appropriate working conditions and implementing comprehensive [...] and environmental standards along our supplyval chain. In this way, we want to emphasize our responsibility and make sustainable action possible. In doing so, we reaffirm our commitment to internationally [...] approach. VTG Group Code of Conduct PDF Supplier Code of Conduct We are also committed to acting responsibly in accordance with ethical and legal standards outside our direct sphere of influence. In our Code
VTG Company Responsibility Governance We are committed to fair entrepreneurship. We act transparently, responsibly and in line with ethical principles in respect of all our stakeholders. At VTG, governance [...] informed about the legal prescriptions that apply to their sphere of responsibility. Management staff in particular are responsible for passing on relevant information to their people. Fair competition [...] operate a comprehensive data protection management system to ensure that personal data is handled responsibly within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Company operations resident
granular level. “As a market leader for energy-efficient and climate-friendly rail freight and as a responsible employer, we are well aware of the need to set a good example,” Stevenson says, stressing that [...] the company has already attained and how it plans to achieve its goals step by step. “We see responsibility as a privilege,” Wellbrock adds, “and our passion for rail gives us a powerful lever with which