VTG is your professional partner for transporting any kind of timber: from logs and round timber of varying lengths to woodchips.
Need to transport your timber from the forest to the sawmill, or from a storage area to a processing plant for the pulp and paper industry? VTG – the largest private-sector freight wagon leasing company – has the right solution every time. Depending on the size and shape of your timber products, you will need just the right wagons to carry your cargo by rail. Fortunately, our fleet is as versatile as the varied demands that are placed on timber products. At the same time, we supply you with transports that match both your routing requirements and volume developments. Contact us to discuss tailor-made and competitive solutions for the transportation of your timber.
How you benefit:
- We place an extensive wagon fleet and individual transport concepts at your disposal to handle various timber products of differing lengths.
- VTG gives you access to a huge timber transport fleet, including Ea wagons, Sggrrs wagons, Res wagons and modular equipment (the ModuPallet Bulk module for woodchips or the ModuPallet Wood module for logs or sawn timber).
- VTG’s offerings include a modular freight wagon system for woodchips (Sggrrs 2 x 40’ with ModuPallet Bulk).
- Using the modular freight wagon system for round timber and logs of different lengths enables us to significantly increase per-wagon payloads (Sggrrs 2 x 40’ with ModuPallet Wood). The standardized ModuPallet Wood superstructure is compatible with all common modular freight wagons from VTG.
- We locate and organize loading platforms and sidings on your behalf.