Supply chain management
VTG is committed to human rights and environmental standards along its supply chain by ensuring appropriate working conditions and implementing comprehensive monitoring mechanisms.
VTG is fully committed to respecting and upholding human rights and environmental requirements along our entire supply chain. We are committed to respecting and implementing international human rights standards in all aspects of our business activities. This commitment extends to recognizing the fundamental principles enshrined in international treaties. We are committed to ensuring that the working conditions, remuneration and general labor rights of our employees and those directly or indirectly involved in our supply chain are in line with local requirements. To ensure this, we have implemented comprehensive monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.
VTG is committed to complying with human rights and environmental standards along our supplyval chain. In this way, we want to emphasize our responsibility and make sustainable action possible. In doing so, we reaffirm our commitment to internationally recognized conventions and declarations that serve as guidelines. In our Declaration of Principles on Respect for Human Rights, we have set out in detail our requirements as well as our approach and processes for fulfilling our due diligence obligations.
Declaration of Principles on Human Rights of the VTG Group |
The VTG Group's Code of Conduct sets out guidelines for the conduct of all management bodies, managers and employees of the companies within the VTG Group. These include the topics of conflicts of interest, anti-corruption, fair business relationships, anti-discrimination, safety and the environment. The Code of Conduct is supplemented by the Group guidelines issued by the Executive Board to ensure a holistic approach.
VTG Group Code of Conduct |
We are also committed to acting responsibly in accordance with ethical and legal standards outside our direct sphere of influence. In our Code of Conduct for Suppliers, we not only require compliance with health and safety standards, but also respect for basic employee rights regarding working hours, remuneration, freedom of association and collective bargaining. This code forms the basis of our cooperation with external business partners.
Supplier Code of Conduct of the VTG Group |
It is of central importance for us to be informed about unintentional and intentional misconduct. We have therefore created the opportunity to report suspected and proven violations of human rights and environmental due diligence obligations and VTG's internal guidelines to employees, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders via the protected reporting system "VTG Integrity Line". The report is made anonymously, unless a conscious decision is made to disclose the identity. In this way, we create a protected space and an independent reporting channel.