Many VTG tank containers stacked on top of each other.

Tank Containers

A wide variety of tank container types for intermodal transport and easy storage of liquid and temperature-controlled products.


VTG has the right tank container ready and waiting for each and every one of your liquid goods. These tank containers are ideal for use with different modes of transport in intermodal traffic, which in turn makes your transport planning more flexible. Our portfolio includes standard tank containers for liquid chemicals and petroleum products, containers for transporting compressed gases and temperature-controlled products, swap bodies for continental European traffic and special containers for isocyanates.


How you benefit:

  • We supply you with tank containers for a wide range of goods and industries, including special containers for isocyanates and compressed gases. We also have swap bodies for European transports. 
  • All of VTG’s tank containers are fitted with GPS devices, and digital temperature monitoring is available for all temperature-controlled products. 
  • All tank containers can be fitted with extra equipment such as heating systems, insulation and canopies.


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SWAP tank container (31,000 liter)
(SWAP tank container (31,000 liter))
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Tank containers for liquids
SWAP tank container (33,000 liter)
(SWAP tank container (33,000 liter))
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Tank containers for liquids
Electrically heated SWAP tank container
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Electrically heated Tank containers
Electrically heated tank container (24,000 liter)
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Electrically heated Tank containers
Dual certified tank container (25.000 liter)
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Tank containers for liquids
20’ ISO Gas Tank container (24.800 liter)
  • Branch Gases
  • Segment Tank container for gases
20’ ISO Gas Tank container
  • Branch Gases
  • Segment Tank container for gases
Tank container with baffles
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Tank containers for liquids
ISOPA Tank container with baffles
(ISOPA Tank container with baffles)
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Tank containers for liquids
ISOPA Tank container without baffles
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Tank containers for liquids
SWAP Tank container
(26,000 liter | Type T11, L4BN)
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Tank containers for liquids
SWAP Tank container with baffles
  • Branch Chemicals
  • Segment Tank containers for liquids
Contact us
Looking for more details? Our experts will be happy to answer your questions.
Contact form
Smiling man with a light shirt and a bald head.
Maurice Verbeek
Head of Tank Container Leasing
+31 61 3738 051
Logistical Services

Make efficient, rail-based transport the solution of choice for your cargo – complete with end-to-end logistics spanning the whole transport chain.

Digital Solutions

Tracking movements, scheduling wagons and tank containers, predicting maintenance: Our digital solutions make your transports safer and more efficient.


Lease our equipment and benefit from our many add-on services – from the manufacture of new wagons to maintenance to fleet management.